O4P Quotes
All quotes on this page are O4P Original quotes.
If you saw it somewhere else, they got it from here.
Please tell them we said "you're welcome."

Maybe the inspiration that you inspire in others
is that you keep getting up,
and so,
they too keep getting up.

You suffer, not because you are deserving of suffering,
or deserving of karma,
or even because you did something wrong.
Not all who suffer are deserving of such,
but because through you,
others may gain the resilience and the inspiration to persevere,
even in times of near impossibilities.

Law of the Universe
All things must eventually come to an end,
so that new life may arise.
This is equally true in love, life, and experience.

Law of the Universe
Balance is inevitable.

There are two types of entertainers in this world:
1. Those who entertain with a priority of money, and/or to inflate personal sense of importance,
2. those whose priority is to create, to them, what is art, and to entertain others through that art.

It's often the person that has achieved very little in their own life
that speak ill of another's achievements.
Don't believe me,
assess their achievements.

Your achievements, your experiences, your journeys,
are different from everybody else,
even in mild or major similarity.
So why are you comparing yours to theirs, as if they're somehow supposed to match up?

Envy is wanting your life to be like someone else's, or to have what they have,
inevitably leading to suffering.
Ambition is looking at what someone else has done and saying,
"Yeah, I can do that,"
then creating your own experience through the journey.