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The Universe: Perpetual Multi-Curvature Rotation

Writer: O4PO4P

Updated: Aug 27, 2024

Exploring and understanding the beginning of the Universe as well as its current state and continued evolution is difficult with our current limited capabilities in technological advancements and evolutionary obstacles yet to be overcome.  

One of these limits is our ability to break away from historical teaching norms to expand our minds into the unlimited space of imagination, blended with historical, scientific, and astronomical facts.

Areas in which our current understanding of the Universe are being stifled, is our present notions about what is referred to worldwide as the “Flat Universe Theory,” or better yet, the lack of our understanding of such. 

Before going on about something that will likely have some (if not many) simply brushing off this theory as a "what does he know" theorization backed by imaginary claims, I would like to relay two very important elements of inspirational incite;

  1. Einstein said, and I quote, from Einstein's theory of General Relativity, "matter tells spacetime how to curve, and curved spacetime tells matter how to move."

Which is important but not in the way you may be thinking. We'll get to this later.

 And, the even more relevant quote to the continued development and evolution of our species,

2. "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."

Simply saying, that without imagination, those that seek knowledge but believe that all that is taught directly is irrefutable fact without progression inspired by imagination, is thus the creation of slow or petrified movement forward, and an inability to evolve.  

Without imagination, knowledge becomes limited in progression. 

I know. I could’ve just said that.  

Now that we've set up the foundation of our theory, let’s continue.

The Flat Universe Theory is like a bad sequel film to a previous box office hit, "the Flat Earth Theory.”  Somehow, we have failed to recognize the likely notion that the Universe actually works from a continuous circular motion, even though we witness this universal constant every single day. Truthfully, we just haven't been paying attention because what we see is what we know rather than what we haven't explored.  Meaning, because we can’t see or predict all aspects of the Universe, and so much of the Universe is still outside our grasp of understanding, we simply revert back to old concepts and beliefs similar to a baby reaching for a soother at 4 years old whenever things get too hard.  

Why did that sound ruder the second time I read that? Umm, okay, what I mean is;

It’s easier to simply say that the Universe is flat, similar to when we struggled with our understandings of the Earth because we couldn’t attain all the necessary information at the time, therefore it was easier to simply state the Earth was flat rather than acknowleding that we didn't actually know what the answer was.

Now it should be stated that this is a great approach and even recommended as this creates a mental "confidence", in our beliefs that "if we were right here, we'll be right again," thus a continuation in our ability as a species to succeed. The issue is that we often times project these beliefs onto the masses as irrefutable fact and when we do, the majority stops questioning stemming from a common belief that the answer has already been found. Even though it hasn't, but rather, it's just that enough people believe that it has been. Thus the death of progression, or better yet, the very slow progression of evolution.

Nobody likes to be wrong, and I would imagine that if you spent nearly $100,000 on an education at a University with the most brilliant minds in the world, in which those teachers of the brilliant minds said “this is how it is, this is why, and that’s a guarantee,” coming to terms with the possibility that those “this is is how it is” teachings may be wrong or slightly inaccurate, would likely be significantly difficult to deal with.  

Truthfully I’d be pissed.  Like, the fuck.  Where’s my $100,000? I should’ve just learned from YouTube.  

Okay I’m just saying shit now, but you get the point.  Accepting the “I’m wrong” statement is difficult, but that’s not what we’re talking about, and technically nobody is ever actually wrong in the progression of individual evolution unless of course the individual simply chooses not to evolve.  In which case, yes, then you’re wrong.  But that’s another 5 minute read for another time.

Let’s continue.  

Understanding Perpetual Multi-Curvature Rotation

A great example of this is through the planet that we currently live on as well as everything within our Galaxy and what has already been viewed throughout our known universe. 


Think of a flat body of water.  When spun this body of water expands outwards and continuously expands, but of course, the more this water expands, the more likely it is to be broken up overtime as there is only so much water with no water being added into the initial body of water, thus an inevitable separation of water molecules (the water body) through its continued expansion.  

All expanding water, regardless of size and depth, unless introduced with specific parameters and limitations of expansion, will inevitably break apart without the introduction of more water. This is scientific fact, but more importantly, common sense. 

And this is currently how we view the universe. 

Therefore, without the addition of “new space” into the Universe (similar to our water example), the Universe would inevitably tear and break apart with continued "expansion." 

Now of course some might say that this is how black holes are formed but this still does not explain a number of different issues with that possible theory including spherical planetary bodies, stars, and even the spherical creations of black holes which cannot (currently) be fully measured but clearly show circular and even spherical properties and visualizations that can be viewed and accurately assessed. 

Unless NASA’s lying (input skeptical thinking emoji here).


I’m joking, calm down.

Let’s continue.

Furthermore, included issues within this theory are the introductions of "Universal Tares" that would inevitably begin to show throughout the universe with the current purposed theory of continued expansion. It has widely been expressed that "the expansion of the universe will continue forever" with an article in Scientific America even stating:

 "The universe’s ultimate end state —whether it will expand so rapidly that it will tear itself apart, continue to calmly enlarge and cool off or eventually reverse and contract in on itself," 

which although "could" be possible, thus why this is a “theory” rather than stated as irrefutable fact (if it was fact I assure you I’d have attached bells and a "Dr. O4P" signature to this bitch), common sense dictates that this is likely an incorrect statement as seen throughout the Universe through spherical bodies, gas formations, stars, and so on.  Even the notion that this could be possible through continued expansion as the expansion of our universe is still within infant stages as an argument essentially saying,

“I guess we’ll just have to wait to see,”

is also highly unlikely and it’s much more likely that humans would see a falter in this theory throughout the Universe’s existence when it simply does not happen.  

It would kind of be like saying that at the beginning of the formations of Earth, had Earth continued to grow as intended, Earth would start to break apart.  Now obviously this particular example is a far stretch (and you’ll understand why in a minute), but the point is, simply put, that would just be bad architecture.  We’re talking about the St. Basil's Cathedral here, not fucking Denny’s.  

So let’s say hypothetically we waited for 100,000 years, 1 million years,  10 million years, and still no tares.  Okay so what now.  Well, let’s instead explore some alternatives shall we.

To state that the universe is flat, is quite literally to suggest that everything in the known universe is also flat and/or expanding.  Which is clearly not true.  These notions were frequent pre-Socratics in the 6th–5th century BC with a strong stubborn tendency from scientific and astrology communities to hold onto this flat-Earth model. 

This, much like many other initial notions and theories proposed throughout human history have been chalked up as nothing more than “rhetoric, conspiracy” and simply put, “dumb ideas by naive individuals” by scientific communities and people that claimed “I know everything, and you know nothing because that's what I learned in a school better than yours.”  

Sorry, but that’s literally every scholar and scientist that refuted claims throughout history that didn’t add up to their own, only to find out later that somebody else progressed human evolution through that exact same claim that they initially refuted.  

Of course, overtime these concepts of a “spherical earth” became more prominently possible with the reintroduction of Plato’s written works of a spherical Earth in the early 4th century BC. 

Then, by about 330 BC, his former student Aristotle had provided enough significant evidence for a spherical Earth that people, and scientific communities finally began to take notice and continue expansion and evolutionary knowledge of this theory.  

Meaning, as humans we're super fucking stubborn and sometimes have a hard time accepting change, that change is inevitable, and that just because something 'was' once upon a time, doesn't mean it is not destined to become 'what will be,' and that continued evolution isn't to tell someone,

"Hey, you're wrong"

but is rather to say,

"Thank you for your contribution to an evolutionary stage that would not exist without you"

and then move the fuck on, to the next stage of evolution. 

We're currently in the first part of that run-on paragraph in relation to our beliefs of the Universe.

Yes I know I should have used more periods, go fuck yourself I love you.

Rather than accepting that we are simply expanding and evolving a previous theoretical belief about the “expanding Universe” (which would not be happening without that initial theory), we have once again decided it is simply easier for us to make up an unknown and unproven substance of something like Dark Matter to express our inabilities to let go of previous notions about the Universe. Our everlasting search for the lost artifact of "doesn't exist," in a continuous effort to prove that the substance is in fact "very real," and that we do not require new information or theories because our grandparents told us so.

Now I should state, that if in fact “Dark Matter” does exist, I would estimate that it is either;

  1. Not at all in relation to the Perpetual Multi-Curvature Rotation of the Universe


2. Will further expand our understanding of this belief as it will tell us more about this “unmeasurable force” within and outside the Universe.

But considering an unknown variable of what we cannot see which creates an “unexplained bending” and motion of the Universe, rather than the possibility and progression towards further study that this "unexplained bending" is likely to be a rotational force coming from the outside of our universe similar to the perpetual motion of our own planet in relation to the gravitational pull of the sun and the weight x mass, etc., is slightly counter-productive. Like the kind of counter productivity that just gets the dog chasing it's own tail until it falls over and goes eventually goes in a completely different direction.

It also suggests a stronger possibility that this “Dark Matter,” is either something else all together, or simply doesn’t exist and we’re actually just steering our imagination in the wrong direction when seeking scientific, physical, and astronomical facts to proof it's "cannot see but must be there" existence due to an inability to let go.

Thus the dog chasing his own tail until he falls over. Like dude, it's literally the same result every time you chase it.

Super fun to watch though.

And listen, I like the sound of the name “Dark Matter,” so by all means, keep exploring and tell me when you found something cool.  

Now I’m sure by now I've somehow pissed somebody off with all this (doesn’t take much these days), but listen, calm the fuck down. 

Your grandparents were right. 

We're just testing the waters for new theories and scientific discoveries with intent on expanding those previously proposed theories that they too once did within their lifetimes. 

That is quite literally called evolution. 


Nobody is “stepping on anybody's toes,”

or saying “I’m smarter than you.”  

Well I am but it’s whatever. 

That’s another joke. 


We’re all in this together, and if we don’t open up our minds to the understanding that old concepts, theories, beliefs, and notions, will inevitably be expanded upon in the perpetual movement towards continued evolution, we’ll be destined to repeat a cycle of wasting large amounts of our time and we might as well just put a fucking dome around Earth, close up shop, grab our Starbucks coffees with sprinkles, and watch reruns of Friends because nothing better is going to be coming along any time soon if we're all still stuck in the fucking 90's, or this case, the 1970’s (the recognized beginnings of the Flat Universe theory).  

Now I’m going to be a fuck here and simply say (even though I love the name). Dark Matter does not exist.  I’m sorry, it fucking doesn’t.  Let's just move on before we all get emotional. 

Galactic Rotation Curves and Large-Scale Structure Formations can be explained through something called the Perpetual Multi-Curvature Rotation of the Universe, not through the invisible introduction of an unknown/non-existent property of “Dark Matter.”  

I’m sorry, but listening to Dark Matter theories just makes me think of when a child says they have an imaginary friend that nobody else can see. 

Like, no.  Stop it. 

Go get a real friend. 

I don’t want you to grow up to be a serial killer. 


It has been stated “Without dark matter, these Universal gas and dust clouds would disperse rather than coalesce into galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and larger structures.” 

But this is not due to the introduction of an unknown substance (dark matter), but once again, the Perpetual Multi-Curvature Rotation caused by forces outside of the known Universe.  What these forces are cannot be directly identified and only theorized (for obvious reasons, ie, the inability to see outside of our universe) but would likely be similar to a scientific mechanical curvature multi-motion of water or the introduction of essentially, for example, strong winds from all directions creating a multi-continuous circular rotational motion of the Universe.  

Perpetual Multi-Curvature Rotation: Step by Step

For this I actually need you to use your imagination because I can’t draw worth shit (as seen that's a fucking digital rendering and like, bro...the fuck). 

This is where my abilities are limited and I don’t have a full year to learn to how to draw well, so yeah know, figure it the fuck out.  I’m sorry I love you.

Put simply, and using your imagination:

  • Think once again about the water body introduced earlier in this theory only it’s not expanding.  

  • Okay, now lift that entire body of water into the air as there is no gravity to hold it down. 

  • Do you see it?  Good.

  • Now, spin it. 

  • Now spin it again from a different direction. 

  • Then again from a different direction.

  • And again from a different direction.

  • Keep going.

Keep in mind that with each spin in a new direction, the other directions are also still spinning.


  • Continue to do that and spin it from all different directions going from North, North East, South, South East, West, East, etc, similar to my beautiful piece of artwork here.

What do you end up with?  

A spherical ball of water, and one that would maintain spherical features as long as the multi-continuous circular rotational motions were to continue.

Sound familiar?  

You see, our Universe doesn’t work on the basic properties of a one direction spinning mechanism, which is also why we've struggled to analyze and assess this variable because as far as we knew, nothing within our Universe or on our own planet displayed this type or multi-rotation.

With the exception of the spherical bodies within the Universe which are easily overlooked due to our regular study of the Universe, thus the famous method of surprise, "hide in plain site."

Still with me? I hope so because just wait until we get into "bendable time" (I'm sinisterly smiling right now...just so know).

Even if you were to look at a cloud of space dust and say,

“Aha!" (who talks like that)  "Look, it’s expanded! You're wrong!”  

That cloud of dust would take millions of years to inevitably form the exact same things we see throughout the Universe, a spherical shape, created not through the introduction of some fairy-like property currently known as “Dark Matter,” or the introduction of a single spinning top that throws the universe out into the expanding nothingness, but rather the ever-consistent Perpetual Multi-Curvature Rotation of the Universe created from the unknown that exists OUTSIDE of our Universe.  

Another good example of this is a ball of yarn.  In order to create the ball of yarn do you wrap the yarn in one direction?  Of course not.  You’d just end up with a disc of yarn... and that's just dumb. 

Although if you wrap the yarn in different directions, all the sudden you begin to find yourself with a spherical yarn body.  

The reason this is not the leading theory is because the concept of fathoming something being spun from a continuous number of different directions all at once in continuous active rotation rather than a singular one is simply not recognizable within our known Universe.  Except it is (as I have now said twice, "oh hi redundancy").  And it’s quite literally every planetary and spherical gas based body within the Universe.  Only we can’t technically observe this because the force itself comes from the outside of our universe which dictates the inevitable shapes created within our vast Universe.

Essentially, how the fuck do you study the dynamic forces of physical propulsion and motion from the inside of a structure when the physical propulsions requiring study are coming from the outside of the structure.

Oh and you can't see outside the Universe right now, so ya know, just all around irritating.

The Side Mission: Not Flat Universe, but a Flat Example

Now before you attack like hell hounds about the clear "expansion" of planetary bodies, solar systems, etc., to the far reaching so called "expanding Universe" that have been and continue to be measured throughout the Universe to which we know is physical fact, let's do a quick and easy example scenario to explain further.

What do you get when you drop a giant rock into a pond that lies still?

Right (I’m just assuming you know).

Giant ripples that expand to the outskirts of the pond and get smaller as they push through the water, slowing down as they eventually either reach the limits of the pond, or dispersing prior to.

Now take that same example and apply it to a spherical Universe. Introduce a giant ticking time bomb filled with everything that is known and unknown throughout the Universe and place it dead centre.

Now blow it up.

What do you get?

Right (I'm just going to assume you're still with me again). An expansion of all the known properties of the Universe.

What we are witnessing and studying is not the "expansion of the Universe'' but rather the continued ripple effect from the components ejected from the Big Bang (that doesn’t mean flat earth, calm the fuck down.) Meaning, the Universe, regardless of how old it is, is still within its early years, or at least, the resources within the known Universe introduced from the Big Bang, and the time from which the Big Bang happened, is still within a short time frame in relation to "time" throughout the Universe.

The measurement of time would quite literally be like you dropping a rock in the middle of a pond and watching the ripples.

To you, the time it takes the ripples to reach the outer limits of the pond would be minutes, maybe even seconds, but for the microscopic insects within the pond; if of course each insects life cycle within the pond was 0.0000000001 of a second, it would take what would feel like an eternity, with many of them dying long before the ripples ever reached the outskirts.


Although what we are experiencing is a “ripple effect” from the Big Bang, that does not mean a “flat Universe,” but rather the expansion of the Big Bang materials throughout the spherical Universe. 

Now one could argue:

“But that would mean that eventually the fragments of the Big Bang would inevitably collide when past spherical boundaries similar to the Earth,” but not quite.  That’s actually where a different force within the Universe comes into play called:

"The Beautiful Calculation."

Which is literally the constructs and explanation of what we all either believe or do not believe about a thing called “Fate.”  

But I’m tired and I don’t feel like writing that one right now either, so you'll have to wait.  

If there is something to be truly confused about, it is the outside properties from our known Universe and what it is that keeps our Universe in said Perpetual Multi-Curvature Rotation.

Through this Perpetual Multi-Curvature Rotation (all about that redundant text today), what we see is the formation of spherical planetary bodies, spherical formations of gas balls (better known as stars and our beautiful sun), and the continued spherical creation of other planetary bodies, stars, and even galaxies throughout the Universe.  

Through further study, what could potentially be understood is how much is truly linked to this Perpetual Multi-Curvature Rotation within our Universe.  Endless discoveries of understanding about our known Universe, including the elusive understanding of Black Holes and the concepts of Time, Space, and Space Travel.  

It was once proposed that the Earth was flat (sometimes still is…stop it), and through our further acceptance and understandings of what was once believed to be “wild” theories about a spherical Earth, we began to create some of the mechanical marvels that we use daily such as the birth and continued development of aircrafts and air travel.  What once took us a literal lifetime to travel the distance of, only takes about 15 hours to travel from the United States to China (unless you’re dealing with fucking layovers).  

15 hours!  From a person's near lifetime, to 15 hours!

And although you can say that this is the marvel creation of this and that, and the Wright brothers wanting to do some cool shit, it is stemmed from the nearly irrefutable continuous, ever present, repetitive human evolutionary step-by-step process as seen throughout human history:

1. Imagination

2. Theorization

3. Acceptance

4. Understanding & Development 

5. Progression & Evolution 

One can only imagine what the scientific, engineering, and astrology communities can achieve once past the stage of Acceptance of a theory proposed by a “wants to do it all, can’t make up his fucking mind” Entertainer/ Entrepreneur (sorry I’m bigging myself up to much), diving directly into the Understanding & Development stages.

Because truthfully, for all the theories I may purpose, or inventions I construct in the middle of the night after dreaming of astro-planning to Plato (that's quite literally what I dream about) and thinking "You know, I bet I could find a way to go there," I'm simply not smart in the way of an engineer or an astrological physicist, because that is not my purpose. 

And that's okay. I'm fine with that.

I propose theories.  I do not construct them into intellectual fact because that is where I am limited.  And I know this.  It is not to say that I do not have the belief in my own ability to understand in depth a chosen area of study and thus through significant time, study, work, and dedication, that eventually I would have the ability to propose the theory through mathematical and equational fact, but rather, that I simply don’t have the time to do so.

Seriously I think I'm broken, I can't stop doing more things than I can handle.  

But that’s not my purpose.  And I know this.  I am a Godly man (the scientific community literally just had a conniption with me saying that), and more specifically, I am a man of the teachings of Jesus. 

And those teachings have taught me that the purpose of an individual is only as important as the teachings of those around them. 

Meaning, the next step is yours, not mine.  If any of my theories prove to be true, it’s only through you that they can grow. 

Thus fulfilling (even if in only the area of seeking knowledge) yet another part of my favourite dream.

The dream of a truly united Human race.

And if I’m wrong?

Whatever I got to say fuck a lot in a theoretical paper. 

And that's super fucking cool.  

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