New Post
July 23, 2024
Shawn Michael's Birthday

May 20, 2024
"Hats for Headway Day"

"Hats for Headway" is a day to help raise awareness and funds for those that have suffered from brain injuries. Personally speaking, this one his home having had my own father as a child struck by a motocycle, causing permanent damage for the rest of his life which I have regularily watching him suffer with. * - It is estimated that by 2031, tramutic brain injury (TBI) is expected to be among the most common neurological conditions affecting Canadians, along with Alzheimer's and other demetia's

May 16, 2024
National Notebook Day and Do Something Good For Your Neighbour Day

Today is National Notebook Day , a day of encouraging people to record their thoughts, and National Do Something Good For Your Neighbour Day... so I included a Prime bottle for free marketing. You're welcome Logan Paul.

Today is National Notebook Day , a day of encouraging people to record their thoughts, and National Do Something Good For Your Neighbour Day... so I included a Prime bottle for free marketing. You're welcome Logan Paul.
May 13, 2024
National Top Gun Day

April 4, 2024
Grumpy Cat's Birthday

March 23, 2024
"Chicago" won bet picture at the 75th Academy Awards

February 29, 2024
National Leap Year Day

February 19, 2004
"If I Ain't Got You" by Alicia Keys is released

January 29, 2024
National Bible Day

February 1, 2024
Harry Styles Birthday

January 20, 2002
Russel Crowe won Best Actor for "A Beautiful Mind" at the 59th Golden Globes

January 21, 2024
January is Manuary! A time for embracing the beard and taking on new challenges.

January 10, 2024
Poetry at Work Day

January 10, 2024
National Take the Stairs Day

January 11, 1964
"Ring of Fire," The Best of Johnny Cash, became the 1st No. 1 album when Billboard debuted their Country Album Chart. It was his 16th album and the first compilations album by Johnny Cash.

January 19, 2024
Winnie the Pooh Day

December 31, 2024
No Interruptions Day

December 25, 2013
"The Wolf of Wall Street" directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio was released in 2013

December 18th, 2024
Brad Pitt's Birthday

December 24th, 2024
National Egg Nog Day & Christmas Eve

December 16, 1979
"An American Christmas Carol" directed by Eric Till starring Henry Winkler premiers in the US

December 14, 2023
Nostradamus' Birthday

December 7th, 2008
"The Trailer Park Boys" concluded with a 1 hour special on December 7th, 2008 after having run for a total of 7 seasons.

March 10, 2014
"The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1" starring Jennifer Lawrence premeired in London

November 9th, 2021
Paul Rudd was named People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive

August 19, 1969
Matthew Perry was born
(photo from Matthew Perry on hit TV Show "Friends" as Chandler Bing)

Matthew Perry was born (photo from Matthew Perry on hit TV Show "Friends" as Chandler Bing)

Matthew Perry was born (photo from Matthew Perry on hit TV Show "Friends" as Chandler Bing)
October 29, 2023
The Bursary for Hope for Autism Gala with entertainment guests Duelling Pianos Niagara showcased

August 19, 2023
National Photography & World Photography Day

August 14, 2015
"The Man From Uncle" was released by Warner Bros, starring Henry Cavill

July 21, 1952
"The Quiet Man" directed by John Ford, starring John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara was released in the UK

July 27, 2023
Triple H's Birthday

August 10, 2023
National Lighthouse Day

July 13, 2010
"Inception" starring Leonardo DiCaprio premieres in Hollywood, California

May 2, 2008
Ironman premiers

April 27, 2023
Channing Tatum's Birthday

March 7, 2011
Charlie Sheen was fired from CBS sitcom "Two and A Half Men"

March 23, 2023
World Math Day

April 21, 2023
National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day

March 3, 2010
Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland was released

February 27, 2023
National Retro Day & National No Brainer Day

February 27, 2023
National Pokemon Day

February 11, 2023
National White T-Shirt Day

February 9, 2023
National Chocolate Day

January 20, 2008
"Breaking Bad," created by Vince Galligan and starring Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul premieres on AMC

January 16, 2023
National Appreciate a Dragon Day

January 11, 1991
Ric Flair wins the NWA/WCW Wrestling Title

December 24, 2022
National Eggnog Day

December 11, 1913
The Mona Lisa was recovered 2 years after it was stolen from the Louvre Museum

December 4, 2022
National Santa's List Day

November 25, 2014
Lionel Messi becomes the UEFA Champions League All-Time Top Scorer

October 23, 2012
"Skyfall," the 23rd James Bond film, directed by Sam Mendes and starring Daniel Craig premiered in London

October 19, 2022
National Jared Day

October 2, 2022
World Farm Animals Day

September 25, 2022
National John Day, World's Largest Pet Walk Day, and Binge Day

September 23, 1994
"The Shawshank Redemption" starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman was released

September 22, 2022
Hobbit Day

September 10, 1999
"Fight Club" starring Edward Norton and Brad Pitt premiered at the Venice Film Festival

September 6, 1920
Jack Dempsey KO'd Billy Miske in 3 rounds for the heavyweight boxing title's 1st radio broadcast of a prizefight

August 23, 2022
Find Your Inner Ner Day

August 19, 2022
National Photography Day

August 17, 1990
"Exorcist 3" written and directed by William Peter Blatty premiered

August 10, 1960
Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" starring Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh premiers in Los Angelas

August 5, 1305
The Leader of the Scottish Resistance, William Wallace, was captured by the English near Glasgow and transported to London for trial and execution

August 4, 2015
Robert Downey Jr. was named the world's highest paid actor by Forbes magazine ($80 Million)

August 3, 1992
"Unforgiven" directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Clint Eastwood premiered in Los Angelas
(also won Best Picture in 1993 at the Academy Awards)

August 1, 1498
Christopher Columbus landed on "Isla Santa," Venezuela

July 31, 1980
Harry Potter's Birthday

July 29, 1928
Test footage is first created for Walt Disney's "Steamboat Willie" with Mickey Mouse

July 17, 1998
"The Mask of Zorro" starring Antonio Banderas is released

July 18, 1980
Billy Joel's "Glass Houses" album topped US Charts

July 8, 2022
National Love Your Skin Day

July 7, 2022
National Ice Cream Sundae Day

July 6, 1994
"Forrest Gump," starring Tom Hanks and directed by Robert Zemeckis is released
(it later won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1995)

July 4, 2022
July 4th, Independence Day

June 30, 2004
"Spider-man 2" directed by Sami Raimi and starring Toby Maquire and Kirsten Dunst is released

June 24 1981
"For Your Eyes Only," the 12th James Bond premiered in London

June 21, 1966
"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" directed by Mike Nichols starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton is released

June 17, 1903
Pepsi Cola company forms

June 11, 2022
100 Balloon Blow Up Challenge in celebration of 100 posts on Instagram

June 8 1984
"Ghostbusters," starring the legendary Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd premiers

June 5, 1998
"The Truman Show" starring Jim Carrey is released

May 31, 2004
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was released

June 3, 1948
The musical "Sleepy Hollow," based on Washington Irving's novel opened at the St. James theatre in NYC. It ran for 12 performances.

May 30, 1956
Mickie Mantle misses by just 18 inches when hitting what would have been the 1st home run out of Yankee Stadium in the 1st double header game against the Washington Senators

May 29, 1917
JFK's Birthday

May 27, 1971
John Lennon records the song "Imagine" at his Ascot home studio at Tittenhurst Park, England

May 26, 2002
Eminem releases his 4th studio album "The Eminem Show"

May 24, 1974
RCA releases "Diamond Dogs," David Bowie's 8th studio rock album. It peaked at no. 5 on U.S charts and went to Number 1 in the U.K and in Canada

334BC - May 22
Alexander the Great's Macedonian army defeats Darius III of Persia in the battle of the Granicus

May 21, 2022
National Memo Day

May 20, 2022
International Red Sneakers Day

May 19, 2007
"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" starring Johnny Depp premiers in Anaheim as the most expensive film made at the time at $300 million.

May 16, 1970
"M.A.S.H (directed by Robert Altman) wins the Grand Prix du Festival

May 15, 2005
"Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith," directed by George Lucas, starring Ewan Mcgregor, Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman, premiered at the Cannes Film Festival

May 8, 1958
Classic Hammer horror film "Dracula" starring Christopher Lee alongside Peter Cushing, directed by Terence Fished was released

May 13, 1905
the World Heavyweight Boxing Champion James J. Jefferies retired undefeated after 7 title defences

May 14, 1938
"The Adventures of Robin Hood," directed by Michael Curtiz and William Keighley, and starring Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland premiered

May 7 , 1997
Science fiction film "The Fifth Element" written and directed by Luc Besson, starring Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovichis released (it was the most expensive European film ever made at the time)

May 6, 2004
the TV sitcom "Friends" airs the season finale in the 10th and final season in the US

May 3, 1954
Charles A. Lindbergh is awarded the Pulitzer Prize (picture is of Charles Lindbergh at 9 years old)

May 1, 1786
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera "Marriage of Figaro" premiered in Vienna with Mozart himself directing

May 2, 2019
the cast of "The Big Bang Theory" became the first TV actors to be immortalized in cement outside Hollywood's Chinese theatre in Los Angelas

April 30, 2022
National Oatmeal Cookie Day

April 29, 2018
The Simpsons surpasses the 635 episode count of "Gunsmoke," giving them the title of the highest number of episodes of any series on TV

April 27, 1956
The Undefeated World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Rocky Marciano retires from the ring

April 28, 1881
Billy the Kid escapes from the Lincoln County Jail in Lincoln, New Mexico

April 24, 1950
Leonard Bernstein's musical "Peter Pan," starring Jean Arthur and Boris Karloff opens at Imperial Theatre (Hook in 2nd picture is from Once Upon a Time)

April 26, 1963
Jet Li's birthday

April 23, 2018
Marvel's Infinity War premiers in Los Angelas

April 21, 2022
National High Five Day

April 22, 1991
Johnny Carson announced to the world that he would be retiring the following year from "The Tonight Show"

April 20, 1993
Uranus passes Neptune. This event only happens once every 171 years

April 19, 1947
Toronto Maple Leafs win 2-1 against the Montreal Canadians to defeat them in a 4-2 series to win the Stanley Cup at the Maple Leafs Gardens

April 18, 1982
the Canada Constitution Act replaces the British North America Act

April 17, 2011
"Game of Thrones," based on the fantasy based novels by George R.R Martin premier on HBO

April 15, 1992
William Shatner is inducted into the National Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame

April 16, 2022
National "Wear Your Pajamas to Work" Day

April 11, 1986
Halley's Comet made it's closest approach to Earth at 63 million kilometres (some texts say 62 million on April 10) and will not be seen again until 2061

April 10, 1925
Scribners publishes "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

April 9, 2022
Vimy Ridge Day

April 7, 1827
An English chemist by the name of John Walker invents the wooden matches

April 8, 1975
"The Godfather Part II" wins best picture at the 47th Academy Awards

April 4, 1889
George Eastman began selling his Kodak flexible rolled film for the first time

April 2, 1877
Rossa Matilda Richter was only 14 years old when she preformed the 1st ever human cannonball act at the Royal Aquarium in London

April 3, 1978
"Annie Hall," directed by the great Woody Allen, won best picture at the 50th Academy Awards in 1978
(this particular picture of Woody Allen was actually from his "Manhattan" film released in 1979

April 1, 1934
Public opinion turns in regards to Bonnie & Clyde

March 30, 2022
Take a Walk in the Park Day

March 31, 2022
Crayola Day

March 29, 2022
Ice blockages caused rivers to run dry, and reduced the flow of water so much that the 3,160 ton per second water flow from Niagara Falls came to a halt. Making March 29th known as "Niagara Falls Runs Dry" Day

March 28, 2022
Something on a Stick Day

March 27, 2022
World Theatre Day

March 26, 2000
"American Beauty" wins for best picture on March 26, 2000 at the 72nd Academy Awards

March 24, 2005
The Office starring Steve Carell premiered on NBC

March 25, 1917
Canadian flying ace and war hero of WWI claimed his first victory when he shot down and mortally wonder German Lieutenant Theiller

March 21, 1957
Tennessee Williams' "Orpheus Descending" premiers in NYC

March 18, 1992
Microsoft released Minesweeper in the standard install of Windows 3.1

March 19, 1915
Pluto was photographed for the first time (although it was unknown at the time)
The picture is a representation of Pluto and it's relation to the Greek God Hades. Hades known in Greek Mythology as the brother to Zeus, which later was recognized as Pluto in Roman mythology, is known as the God of the Underworld and of Death.

March 20, 1868
the Jesse James gang robbed a bank in Russellville, Kentucky of $14,000, equal to over $250,000 today.

March 17, 1991
"Goodfellas," directed by Martin Scorcese starring Robert Deniro wins Best Film and Best Director at the 44th British Film and Television Awards

March, 16, 1961
"Spartacus" wins for Best Drama Motion Picture at the 18th Golden Globe Awards.

March 12, 2012
"The Hunger Games" directed by Francis Lawrence and starring Jennifer Lawrence premiered in Los Angelas.

March 13, 1986
Stallone wins best movie actor at the 12th People's Choice Awards for Rocky IV and Rambo II the previous year.

March 14, 2011
the Alice Cooper Band is inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

March 15, 1928
Benito Mussolini modifies Italy electoral system (abolishes right to choose).

March 11, 1855
the Bowery Boys gang leader William Poole aka "Bill the Butcher" is buried in Brooklyn with 155 carriages and 6000 mourners present.
(Played by Daniel Day-Lewis in the Academy Award Nominated movie "Gangs of New York")

March 10, 1862
the U.S issues 1st paper money in the form of $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $500, and $1000 notes.

March 9, 1936
Babe Ruth turns down Reds to make a comeback as a player.

March 6, 1834
the city of Toronto (now the financial and commercial centre of Canada) was incorporated.

March 5, 2006
the Nature documentary "Planet Earth" narrated by David Attenborough premiered on the BBC.

March 4, 2002
Canada bans human embryo cloning but permits government-funding scientists to use embryos left over from fertility treatment or abortion.

March 3,1934
John Dillinger broke out of jail using a wooden pistol.

March 2, 1933
the "King Kong" film directed by Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack, starring Fay Wray premiered at Radio City Music Hall and RKO Roxy in NYC.

Feb. 28, 1935
Nylon is invented by Wallace Carothers who first produced the polymer at the Dupont Experimental Station in Wilmington, Delaware, United States.

March 1, 1969
Jim Morrison allegedly exposed himself on stage at a Dinner Key Auditorium in Miami, Florida.

Feb. 26, 1932
Johnny Cash is born.

Feb. 27, 1974
People's Magazine begins sales.

Feb. 24, 1955
Steve Jobs was born.

Feb. 25, 2007
At the 79th Academy Awards, The Departed won Best Motion Picture, Best Achievement in Directing, Best Writing and Best Achievement in Film Editing.

Feb.23, 1940
Walt Disney's animated movie "Pinocchio" is released.

Feb.22, 1943
The USS Iowa (bb-61) battleship is commissioned. In 1943 it became the only U.S Navy Ship with a bathtub; which was installed to accommodate U.S President Franklin D. Roosevelt who struggled to use the shower because of a crippling effect cause by his polio.

Feb.21, 1853
the U.S authorizes minting of $3 gold pieces

Feb.20, 1872
American inventors Silas Noble and James P. Cooley receive a patent for the first toothpick manufacturing machine.

Feb.19, 1995
Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson get married.

Feb.18, 1954
John Travolta is born.

Feb.15, 1965
The Red Maple Leaf Flag becomes the official flag of Canada

Feb.14, 2022
"The Aviator" starring Leonardo Dicaprio wins Best Film at the 58th British Film and Television Awards

Frank Sinatra launches Reprise label under Warner Bros Records.

Feb.12, 2005
"The Aviator" starring Leonardo Dicaprio wins Best Film at the 58th British Film and Television Awards

Feb.11, 1979
43 million people tune in to watch "Elvis!" on ABC

Feb.10, 2022
National Umbrella Day

Feb.9, 1964
1st appearance of the Beatles on "The Ed Sullivan Show", from New York, draws 73.7 million television viewers

Feb. 8, 1971
The Nasdaq stock market index opens

Feb. 7, 1931
American actor James Dean, who became a symbol of the confused, restless, and idealistic youth of the 1950s, was born.
(James Dean's birthday is actually Feb. 8, 1931. Websites thoroughly searched for honest historical dates. )

Feb. 6, 1978
the Blizzard Of 1978, one of the worst Nor'easters in New England history, hit the region with sustained winds of 65 mph and snowfall of four inches.
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Feb.5, 1936
"Modern Times," a silent film directed by, written by "Modern Times," a silent film directed by, written by and starring Charlie Chaplin was released starring Charlie Chaplin was released

American middleweight boxer Jake LaMotta, the "Bronx Bull," handed Sugar Ray Robinson his first defeat
(Date Mix Up! Actual Date was Feb. 5, 1943! Sources site changed again)

Feb.4, 1943
Feb.3, 1960
the Italian Dramedy La dolce Vita, which was directed by Federico Fellini, had it's world premiere, and it became widely hailed as one of the most important films in cinema.

February 2, 1951
For the first time, television viewers witness the live detonation of an atomic bomb blast
(Actual date was February 1, 1951 – Sources Site Changed)

Feb.1, 2013
Netflix's first original series, House of Cards aired in 2013.
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